
The arena is asynchronous PVP content that builds points by battling with other players through 6:6 decks. If a player wins the battle, the player can get win points and Arena points, and buy items at the Arena shop with Arena points.

Ladder Match

Ladder Match is asynchronous PVP content in a rank-taking system that battles other players through 6:6 decks. Unlike the Arena, it is only played by auto-battle for fairness, and the higher the ranking, the more rewards players can get.

World Championship

World Championship is the seasonal PVP content to determine the best monarch through the per-kingdom deck. Players can get rewards based on a grade after the end of the season by being graded with points earned during a season. The grade is given through the initial placement Match, and if a player earns points through the regular match and maintains the top rank at a certain level at each stage, the player will be ranked up to the next grade.

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